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PacketiX.NET Online Test Service - Overview

The PacketiX.NET online test service is an academic, non-profit online testing environment operated by SoftEther, Corp. PacketiX VPN 2.0, developed by SoftEther, Corp., makes optimum use of the newest networking technology.

Free service offering

Test objective

The PacketiX.NET Online Test Service is an academic system that is free of charge. It is a test platform for developing a convenient high-security VPN system.

SoftEther Corp. invites everyone to use this free service. We operate this system to research next generation VPN software technology, especially for measuring load, analysing stability and evaluating security in the case of a high number of users.

Users neither have to pay SoftEther, nor do they have to fill in complicated subscription forms.

No warranty

The services offered by the PacketiX.NET Online Test Service are offered without warranty. They are offered by SoftEther, Corp. as part of an academic experiment. Thus, hardware errors can occur, and without preliminary notice, parts of the service can be stopped, settings can be updated, and the terms of service can be changed.

In the same way, SoftEther, Corp. does not guarantee that the service will be continued perpetually. Please understand beforehand that each service could be terminated if SoftEther, Corp. comes to the conclusion that the objective of the experiment, to measure load, analyse stability and evaluate security has been fully achieved.

Tsukuba University Academic Computing & Communications Center

Joint research with the Academic Computing & Communications Center

SoftEther, Corp. is conducting joint research with the Academic Computing & Communications Center of Tsukuba University on increasing the performance of VPN systems on campus and on the Internet. Therefore, we employ the Internet environment and the computers of this center.

To achieve the desired fast Internet connection, many computers and network devices that PacketiX.NET runs on are set up within the Academic Computing & Communications Center.

10 Gbps Internet connection

The Tsukuba University Academic Computing & Communications Center is connected to the Internet via SINET, over a 10 Gbps high-speed connection. The computers that form the PacketiX.NET Online Test Service are connected to this network over a Gigabit Ethernet, without being routed over a slow firewall. Thus, there are nearly no bottlenecks in this experiment setup, and all data communication remains stable even in the case of an unusually high number of VPN users.

The test environment servers

The PacketiX.NET Online Test Service is running on cluster of connected servers. That way, even if an extremely high number of VPN users accesses the service, the requests are distributed by automatic load balancing. This improves the scalability of the system and avoids efficiency limits in the capacity of the hardware.

A service with many combined software technologies

The PacketiX.NET Online Test Service is a realization of SoftEther, Corp.'s cutting-edge VPN and software technology, combining the newest technology of the IT world.

This service is offered by SoftEther, Corp. as a non-profit academic experiment, in cooperation with the Tsukuba University Academic Computing & Communications Center.
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