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PacketiX.NET VPN Online Test Environment

With the PacketiX VPN Online Test Environment, you can create a VPN without setting up your own VPN server. Instead, you configure your own Virtual Hub on the PacketiX.NET VPN Server Cluster. All functions of PacketiX VPN Server are available.

You can access the VPN with the PacketiX VPN Client from your PC. You need to install VPN client software for that.

Administration of the Virtual Hub is done over an easy-to-use Web interface.

The PacketiX.NET online test environment is free to use.

Virtual Hub Creation and Administration

Outline of the Service

A detailed view of the usage of the VPN test environment

Accessing the Virtual Hub from a client PC

You can access the VPN created by the Virtual Hub on the VPN test environment from your PC if you have the PacketiX VPN Client installed.

Usage explanation

With the VPN test environment as the server, different VPN can be built.


Introducing the software technology used for the VPN test environment. With knowledge of programming and server administration, you too can develop a similar online service.

Please read

Please read the following web pages if you intend to use the PacketiX.NET service.

This service is offered by SoftEther, Corp. as a non-profit academic experiment, in cooperation with the Tsukuba University Academic Computing & Communications Center.
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